

What Can IB -päivä ysiluokkalaisille

Welcome to the What Can IB Day, 18 January, 9-10:30. Please contact Mika Levy (mika.levy@edu.joensuu.fi) or Adam Lerch (adam.lerch@edu.joensuu.fi, 050 516 5075) for further details.

Joensuun Lyseon lukio – Our Pillars:

Enthusiasm – creativity – internationalism

Traditions – humanity - future

Mission statement: We are an inspiring international home for personal growth. We offer our students an intelligent and lively learning environment, high quality learning facilities and a strong basis for further studies.

IB Mission Statement

The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.

These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

Esitys koulu- ja päiväkotiverkon sopeuttamisesta


IB-linjalle haetaan kevään yhteishaussa Opintopolun kautta. Opiskelijavalinta tapahtuu peruskoulun päättötodistuksen lukuaineiden painotetun keskiarvon perusteella (minimi 8,0). Englannin ja matematiikan arvosanoilla on painokerroin 1,3. Valmistavalle luokalle otetaan 27 opiskelijaa ja valinnan tulos ilmoitetaan yhteishaun tulosten yhteydessä kesäkuussa.

How to apply to the programme

An applicant who has successfully completed the Finnish nine-year comprehensive school or the equivalent studies in a school outside of Finland is qualified to apply.

All applicants from Finnish schools must follow the following procedure:

1. Apply using the internet based application system, Opintopolku in Finnish. Consult your present Guidance Counsellor

Those applying from outside Finland or outside the Finnish education system should also enclose their previous school report as well as the appraisal form filled in and signed by the Head of school and the application form.

In the application process the applicant can obtain a maximum number of 10 points, based upon the grade point average from middle school (for instance, an average grade of 8,57 gives you 8,57 points). Lyseo uses a weighted grade average, with English and Mathematics grades factored 1.3 times each. The minimum accepted grade average is 8.0.

Applicants from abroad are asked to submit transcripts in English, if possible. The transcripts can use the school’s original grading scale. Suitable applicants from abroad will participate in an online interview with the IB Coordinator. Note that applicants from abroad must submit evidence of an adult caretaker permanently living in the region. Applicants studying abroad should contact the IB Coordinator (Adam Lerch, +358 50 516 5075, adam.lerch@edu.joensuu.fi) for further details.

Lomakkeet ja linkit / Forms and links:


Application form 2024

Appraisal form 2024

The IB-studies at Joensuun lyseon lukio

Valmistava vuosi (Pre-DP year)


Infoa IB:stä opoille .ppt -esitys

Infoa IB:stä opoille .ppt -esitys



IB-koordinaattori / IB coordinator
 050 516 5075


IB-opinto-ohjaaja / IB student counsellor
 050 476 6550

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