Official employment services
Official employment services include starting, changing and ending a job search, submitting documents, and counseling services for job seekers and entrepreneurs. Dealing with employment services is a prerequisite for e.g. paying unemployment insurance. E-services of JobMarket website is a personal customer's primary channel for handling matters with employment officials.
The official employment service is located at Carelicum, Koskikatu 5 A, 80100 Joensuu.
Luotsi – City support to find a job
Joensuu runs a Luotsi service to assist people to find jobs or study programmes, to start a business or to recruit new employees. The job agents offer free individual coaching for Joensuu residents and events are open for everyone.
Luotsi is located at Carelicum, Koskikatu 5 A, 80100 Joensuu.
The City as Employer
The City of Joensuu employs approximately 2 700 persons. City recruitment is responsible for all external and internal recruitment.