Innocity Joensuu
InnoCity Joensuu
InnoCity Joensuu
Joensuu is involved in making Finland the most innovative country in the world by means of sustainable urban development
Development focuses on forest bioeconomy and photonics
Joensuu is part of the national InnoCities network of sustainable urban development, which includes 16 Finnish university and university consortium cities. The cities belonging to the network have concluded a long-term agreement with the state for the development of RDI activities for the years 2021–2027. Each InnoCity allocates research, development and innovation funding to strategic priority areas based on its own strengths. In Joensuu, the focus areas are forest bioeconomy and photonics.
As an InnoCity, we are creating the world's most functional experiment and innovation environment in Finland by 2030. We do not do this work alone, but together with other cities, the state, universities, research institutes and the business community.
In addition to the city of Joensuu, regional partners such as the University of Eastern Finland, Karelia University of Applied Sciences, Business Joensuu and Natural Resources Center implement practical measures. Practical development work mainly takes place through project funding granted by the EU, the state and cities. In North Karelia, regional financiers are also the Regional Council of North Karelia and the North Karelia Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment.
The focus is on research, business and innovation
Extensive cooperation supports the creation of innovations and the application and commercialization of university research results in companies. The goal is to renew the city's business life with the help of new technologies and improve people's lives in the urban environment.
As InnoCity, we support innovation-based growth, internationalization, competitiveness and vitality as well as employment and know-how in our region. In addition, the goal is to strengthen Joensuu's reputation as an internationally attractive educational city and research center. Ecological, social and economic sustainability as well as the city's climate goals also play an important role, because cities are helping to solve the global sustainability crisis.
The main goal of Joensuu is to be a unique forest bioeconomy expertise and business center and the world's leading center of photonics expertise. Both industries need innovators whose developed solutions support the well-being and life of all of us today and in the future.
The development of focus areas is implemented in the Photonics Joensuu and Forest Joensuu networks.
Photonics Joensuu
Photonics Joensuu is a network of significant photonics research, development, education, business and innovation operators in the Joensuu area. The goal is to promote photonics research, development and innovation as well as business life. Photonics Joensuu supports the business growth of photonics companies and the establishment of new companies in the region.
Read more about co-operation in Photonics Joensuu network
Join the Photonics Joensuu LinkedIn Group
Forest Joensuu
Forest Joensuu is a network of forest bioeconomy research, training, development and innovation operators in the region. The goal of Forest Joensuu is to strengthen cooperation to support new innovations, business growth and the attractiveness of the area. The network connects the top forest bioeconomy companies, researchers, trainers and business developers in Joensuu and the surrounding area.
Read more about co-operation in Forest Joensuu network.
Join the Forest Joensuu LinkedIn Group
News and more information
Seppo Tossavainen
Head of Economic and International Affairs
+358 40 343 3377
Jenni Jokela
Permanent Secretary
+358 50 380 3552
InnoCities use cooperation to create innovation and innovation to create sustainability.
Innocity Joensuu, Photonics ja Forest Capital, logot
This material was produced as part of the activities of the City of Joensuu Innovation Ecosystem Agreement (ERDF), co-funded by the European Union and the city of Joensuu.