Carbon-neutral Joensuu 2025
Carbon-neutral Joensuu 2025, alasivun pääkuva
Carbon-neutral Joensuu 2025
Carbon-neutral Joensuu 2025
Our aim is to be the first carbon-neutral city in Finland in 2025
Together, we intend to cut emissions by 60% from the 2007 level by 2025. The remaining 40% of emissions will either be compensated for or stored in carbon sinks.
Industry and work machinery as well as traffic and heating produce the highest greenhouse gas emissions in Joensuu. The emissions have declined since monitoring began in 2007. Nearly a further 50% of the level of emissions in 2019 should be reduced in order to achieve our objective of being carbon neutral by 2025.
The total emissions of Joensuu in 2007 and 2021 and the emission goal for 2025. In 2007, Joensuu’s emissions were 661 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents. By 2019, they had been reduced to 426 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents. The goal is that the emissions would decrease by 60 pecent from 2007 to 2025. This means that in 2025, the emissions should not exceed 264 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents. The rest will be compensated for or stored in carbon sinks.
The goals of our climate programme are
- Greenhouse gas emissions decrease for all operators by 60% from 2007 to 2025. The remaining 40% of emissions are either compensated for or tied in storage in carbon sinks.
- Joensuu is known for active and innovative climate cooperation.
- The consumption of electricity and fossil fuels in industry is halved by 2025.
- In traffic, the majority of journeys are made on foot, by bicycle or by public transport.
- The vehicle fleet will be renewed and alternative fuel solutions become more common.
- At least 90% of the final consumption of energy is based on renewable energy sources by 2025.
- Energy consumption is reduced at least by 25% from the 2007 level by 2025.
- The amount of waste will decline and by 2020, the recycling rate of waste is 55%.
- We prepare for changing weather conditions and their impacts.