School-home cooperation
School-home cooperation, sivun otsikko
School-home cooperation
School-home cooperation
Cooperation in basic education
In basic education, cooperation is done with the pupil’s guardians. Upbringing and teaching are supported by this cooperation so that each student receives teaching, guidance, and support according to the level of development and needs. This cooperation promotes healthy growth and development. Guardians’ participation and opportunity to be involved in schoolwork and its development is an essential way of operating.
The guardian has the primary responsibility to see that a child completes compulsory education and upbringing. School supports home’s task of upbringing and is responsible for the pupil’s upbringing and teaching in the school community. Different family needs as well as language and cultural background are taken into account in the school-home cooperation. An interpreter or multilingual school staff can support when needed in meetings and other communication.
Guardians need information about the Finnish educational system so that they can support their child along the school path in the new home country. Guardians are introduced to the Finnish educational system, the school’s mission, curriculum, evaluation, student care and teaching methods. A feeling of belonging to the Finnish school community is important in the cooperation between the home and school and it promotes shared responsibility in education. Close cooperation with the guardians is essential to the child’s integration and good learning. A key channel of regular communication between home and school is the online Wilma system.
In Joensuu, immigrant families are offered additional guidance and instruction in Family school. In Family school, parents with an immigrant background are offered better skills to get to know and participate in school life, plan and develop the objectives of educational work and support the child in the study. At the early stage of integration, close cooperation is also done with the Immigration Services staff of the city administration.
Family school
Family school is a free-time program for immigrant families. The program supports integration and the collaboration between school and home. Family school is a part of the preparatory teaching curriculum. During Family school gatherings, school-related topics are discussed with the help of linguistic and cultural interpreters. Families also get to know their home city as well as possibilities for hobbies and different services.
In Family school, families receive peer support from each other as well as guidance from experts in different fields. Finnish and immigrant families that have already lived in Finland for a longer time can participate in addition to families that have recently moved to Finland. Community experience is an important goal for both the children and the parents.
Family school takes place on Monday evenings, and it lasts two to three hours at a time. The program is planned by preparatory class teachers, Family school instructors and the coordinator together. Recommendations from the other teaching staff as well as the wishes of the parents are taken into account in the program.
Each Family school gathering has many instructors who speak multiple languages. They lead the activities for the whole family and for the children. During some gatherings, parents have their own program with different themes while the children have their own activities. In the experts’ sessions translations are provided into the languages needed. During family activities, whole families work together and learn different things. In these activities, Finnish is used as a common language as much as possible.
Family school provides free and community-centered integration for families. All immigrant families are welcome to the gatherings. Diverse and inspirational activities support the guardians’ participation and chance to be a part of the child’s schoolwork.