Safety and preparedness

Important contact details

In urgent emergencies call the public emergency number 112.
It is also recommended to download the 112 app on your phone.

In case of urgent water supply problems
Joensuun Vesi's 24-hour on-call service +358 13 337 3599

For urgent problems concerning the city's buildings
24-hour emergency number +358 50 017 6600

City's communication in case of disruption

In the event of an incident, the city will provide information on the progress of the situation and instructions on its website, social media channels and in the general media. If the normal communication channels are not available, the city will provide information at service points, libraries and, where appropriate, other services.


Preparedness means anticipating and preparing for different types of accidents and crises. These can include, for example, long-term outages in water and electricity supply or extreme weather conditions. Everyone can and should prepare themselves to cope without outside help for at least three days in the event of an emergency.

In the event of a crisis, the city is prepared to safeguard critical services such as day-care centres, schools, and water supply. The aim of such preparedness is to ensure that in such a case, society functions as normally as possible.

Each administrative sector is responsible for the preparedness of critical functions of society: Siun Sote (Wellbeing services county of North Karelia) for welfare and healthcare, the North Karelia Rescue Service for rescue operations and emergency care, and the state operators for securing their own operations. The preparedness of the business community also plays a role in the functioning of society.

Self-preparedness – can you survive for 72 hours?

Self-preparedness – can you survive for 72 hours?

Civil protection

Civil protection

Civil defence shelters

Civil defence shelters

Civilian evacuation

Civilian evacuation

Emergency alerts

Emergency alerts

The public warning signal

The public warning signal