
angle-left Finland holds presidential elections

Finland holds presidential elections

Presidential elections will be held in January to elect the President of the Republic of Finland for the 2024-2030 term of office. The actual election day is Sunday, January 28th. The new president will take office in March.

Every Finnish citizen who is at least 18 years of age on election day is entitled to vote.

Notification cards have been sent to citizens to inform them of their right to vote. The notice also includes information on polling stations on the actual election day. 

Two changes have been made to election day polling stations in Joensuu

Due to renovations, there will be no voting at the City Hall at Rantakatu 20. Instead, voting precinct 006 City Hall polling station is located at Malmikatu 9, at the location of the former health clinic building near Citymarket.

Voting precinct 019 Hammaslahti polling station is located at the Pyhäselkä Library at Opettajantie 3a, Hammaslahti.

You can also vote in advance

You can also vote before the actual election day. Advance voting period is from January 17th to 23rd in Finland, and from January 17th to 20th abroad.

Unlike on the actual election day, advance voting is possible at any advance polling station in Finland or abroad.

There are 13 advance polling stations in Joensuu:

  • Prisma, Voimatie 2
  • Citymarket Pilkko, Linjatie 2
  • lower lobby of Carelia Hall, University of Eastern Finland, Yliopistokatu 4
  • Karelia University of Applied Sciences, Building E, Tikkarinne 9
  • Muikku Hall at main library, Koskikatu 25
  • Uimaharju Library, Honkajoentie 2
  • Pyhäselkä Library, Hammaslahti, Opettajantie 3a
  • Kiihtelysvaara Service Point, Aprakkatie 2
  • Eno Service Point, Kunnantie 2
  • Tuupovaara library building, Rekijoentie 3
  • Pataluoto School, Pataluodonkatu 2 D (library entrance)
  • Reijola Community Center, Urheilupuistontie 2
  • former health clinic building, Malmikatu 9

Advance voting is also available in the mobile library (bus) in Kovero and Ukkola:

  • Kovero Youth Clubhouse, Koverontie 7
  • Ukkola Village Hall, Rukavedentie 7

The addresses and times of all polling stations are available at (in Finnish). 

Potential second round of elections

If no candidate receives more than half of the votes in the first round, the second round will be held between the two candidates with the most votes.

The date of the potential second round is Sunday, February 11th. Advance voting period for the second round is from January 31st to February 6th in Finland, and from January 31st to February 3rd abroad.

You can also vote at home

You can vote from your own home, if it is unreasonably difficult to get to the polling station because of a physical or functional limitation. To vote at home, register with the Central Election Committee.

You can register to vote at home

Home voting registration deadline for the first round is Tuesday, January 16th at 4 PM. For the potential second round, the registration deadline for home voting is Tuesday, January 30th at 4 PM.

If you register for home voting for the first round, you do not need to register again for the second round.

Home voting will be held on the advance voting days from 9 AM to 8 PM. The exact time will be agreed with each voter individually.

Who is running?

Nine candidates are running for President of the Republic of Finland. All of them are running nationwide. More information in English is available in Yle's article A really simple guide to Finland's 2024 presidential election

Information on the Finnish elections in various languages can be found at