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angle-left Climate Conscious Blocks project - new climate solutions in Joensuu 2018–2021

Climate Conscious Blocks project – new climate solutions in Joensuu 2018–2021

The Climate Conscious Blocks project operated from 1 August 2018 to 31 May 2021.

Climate Blocks was the third climate project in Joensuu, a follow-up to the Climate marketplace project. Climate Blocks focused on residential blocks, selected through open recruitment, whose residents and operators participate in testing and developing new green solutions. The project also promoted green entrepreneurship through sparring, organising climate-themed pop-up events and preparing operational teaching sets for basic education by utilising the modern building technology of Nepenmäki and Karhunmäki schools. In addition, the project established our Climate Joensuu website, which provides information on climate activities in Joensuu.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram: @climatejoensuu

The funding of the Climate Blocks project totals €599 882. The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Government covered 70 % and the City of Joensuu 30 % of the funding.