Work & Entrepreneurship
Move to Joensuu – Work & Entrepreneurship
Work and Entrepreneurship
Open positions
Thinking about moving, but you haven’t found a job yet? There are constantly hundreds of open positions in the Joensuu area, and the commute to the surrounding municipalities, like Kontiolahti and Liperi, is easy. The Regional Council of North Karelia lists all the open positions in the entire region on their Maailmankarjalaiset webpage. On the Business Joensuu website, you can find direct links to the recruitment channels of the local businesses. You can also browse local jobs on websites like Duunitori and Oikotie. The City of Joensuu is also always on the lookout for good and competent staff.
Employment services
Employment services
Official employment services include starting, changing and ending a job search, submitting documents, and counseling services for job seekers and entrepreneurs. Dealing with employment services is a prerequisite for e.g. paying unemployment insurance. E-services of JobMarket website is a personal customer's primary channel for handling matters with employment officials.
Luotsi Joensuu is a place you can come to for questions related to work, education or career planning. We also help employers with employment challenges. We offer personal coaching and connect employees with suitable companies.
Ohjaamo offers young people under the age of 30 advice on planning for the future and their everyday needs.
Did you know that…
In Joensuu, we find work for people! Developed in 2019, the accessible Luotsi employment service concept has been a very successful trial. More than 4,500 customers have given the service 9.3 points out of 10.
Move to Joensuu – Entrepreneurship
Official employment services offers support, advice and financing for employers and companies. Support is available for e.g., recruitment, transition security, training for recruits and employees, international recruitment, and wages and working conditions.
Support is also available for people who are considering and starting entrepreneurship. You can discuss your business idea with an entrepreneurship coach and apply for entrepreneurship training. If you need support to secure your livelihood in the early stages of your business, you can apply for start-up money from the employment officials.
You can get more information and use E-services on JobMarket website, which is also a primary channel for employers and entrepreneurs for handling matters with employment officials.
Businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs are served by Business Joensuu, which offers services covering the entire lifespan of a company. New businesses receive support in the early stages, while businesses that are already established can seek support and advice in their efforts to grow internationally. Business Joensuu’s services also include the business transfers, establishing new offices in Joensuu, and business acquisitions in Joensuu.
There are two funds that invest in start-ups in Joensuu, and the country’s largest annual competition for new business ideas is organised here. There are many different types of business premises and plots, and clusters of companies. A community of over 150 businesses operates in Science Park (Tiedepuisto) where you can find 20 different meeting and event spaces for hire, as well as a pleasant coworking space.
The city of Joensuu also grants municipal grants to employing businesses, assists in the acquisition of new business plots, and establishes climate partnerships with the businesses operating in the region.
Did you know that…
Start Me Up, the largest annual competition for new business ideas in Finland, is organised in Joensuu. In 2023, the competition winners received over 160 000 euros in awards.
Move to Joensuu – Remote Work
Remote Work
What if you lived in Joensuu but worked elsewhere? Joensuu has an ambitious climate program with the aim of being carbon neutral by 2025. We want to promote remote work and ultimately reduce carbon emissions created by long commutes. The area has good data communication links, and travelling to e.g. Helsinki is easy.
Located in the centre of Joensuu, Science Park has pleasant coworking spaces. Science Park is an excellent working environment, and you can find great facilities right next to it for e.g. sports. The spaces can be leased flexibly. In the smaller municipalities around Joensuu, there are remote work offices you can try free of charge.
Did you know that…
There are several remote work facilities that can be reserved by anyone completely free of charge. The remote work facilities are located in the vicinity of superb sports facilities and in the surrounding municipalities, cradled in beautiful nature.
Move to Joensuu – Top Industries
Top Industries
You’ll find global top expertise from many fields in Joensuu. Internationally, we have some of the best talents in forest bioeconomy, circular economics and photonics - Joensuu is home to a cluster of companies, research and education that is remarkable on a European scale.
There is also a significant cluster of plastics and metal industry, an ICT network consisting of over 100 companies, diverse tourism activities in the area of the whole municipality, and specialised companies from the fields of film production and customer service centres.
Did you know that…
Joensuu is the forest capital of Finland, and has some of the best photonics research in the world, that is being exported all the way to Silicon Valley.
Move to Joensuu – Work for the City
Work for the City
The city of Joensuu has c. 2,800 employees in the fields of e.g. early childhood education, education, urban planning, culture and leisure. There is work for everyone from nurses to engineers.
The employees at the city of Joensuu are allowed to be exactly the way they are. You won’t get any snarky remarks, even if you turn up to work in your slippers. There is time and space for everyone’s thoughts, and each person in the team is as important as the next. It’s fun to work for the city of Joensuu. And the long summer holidays are not too bad, either…
Did you know that...
Once, the Mayor of Joensuu played a tram in a film by Markku Pölönen. We don’t take ourselves too seriously, and we don’t care for pretentiousness. We try to keep hierarchies low, because that makes life easier for everyone!
Move to Joensuu, footerin otsikko
What else would you like to know about Joensuu?
Our Moving Agent advises on all practical questions related to Joensuu and, if possible, sorts things out on your behalf free of charge.