The City of Joensuu hosts the 8th international Winter Cycling Congress in Joensuu 5–7 of February 2020.
The WCC gathers advocates and specialists of cycling together for an international event to develop winter cycling conditions reinforce the role of winter cycling as an everyday form of physical activity and to share the best practices around the world.
The conference will be launched on Wednesday in the spirit of "more action, less words" as conference guests gather in the Normaalikoulu school yard for an opening session and workshops. Snow How workshops want to activate the use of bikes during school days and bring snow courses to the school yard, which will inspire both conference guests and pupils.
Conference guests will have an opportunity to take part in twelve Mobile tours, take a sauna daily at the Science Park and attend a city reception at the Art Museum Onni and spend a relaxing evening with Pecha Kucha performances.
Ramboll Oy will offer participants an opportunity to explore the first bicycle street in Finland. Climate Joensuu will host an excursion to Vanamokatu 27 where participants will hear about a Climate Block project.
The event is organised by the international Winter Cycling Federation.
Winter cycling enthusiasts from 13 countries gather in Joensuu - News
Winter cycling enthusiasts from 13 countries gather in Joensuu