
angle-left Luotsi and International House Joensuu move to Carelicum

Luotsi and International House Joensuu move to Carelicum

Luotsi service point of the City of Joensuu’s employment services and International House Joensuu (IHJ), which serves immigrants, will move to Carelicum in Koskikatu 5 during November and December. Luotsi currently operates in Centrum on Kauppakatu and IHJ operates on Malmikatu. 

Luotsi service point provides information on workplaces and help with career planning and competence development. Employers can get help from the Luotsi service point in finding and recruiting skilled workers.

IHJ offers advice to newcomers from abroad and elsewhere in Finland on official and everyday matters related to migration. IHJ offers services in Finnish, English and Russian. An interpreter is used when necessary to ensure smooth transactions.

Ohjaamo service point, which offers advice on planning future and everyday life for people under 30, will also move out of Centrum. It will be located near Carelicum at Torikatu 19, where it will open for business on 9 December.

TE Services will move to Carelicum in January 

Next year, Carelicum will also provide statutory employment services, which are currently offered at the Employment and Economic Development Office in the Government Office Building on Kauppakatu.

The change is due to the TE reform on 1 January 2025, when the responsibility for organising public employment and business services will be transferred from the state to municipalities and TE Offices will be abolished.

– Next year, all employment-related services, from processing unemployment benefits to preparing a CV or a job interview, will be available under one roof. The same building also houses integration services for international residents. Together, we help people in Joensuu to find employment and companies to find employees, says Riikka Vartiainen, Director of the Employment Area.

Tickets and Waltti cards will also be available in the future 

Carelicum also houses the City of Joensuu customer service, where you can buy tickets for events, get advice on public transport and top up your Waltti travel card. The invoices of the City of Joensuu can be paid at a service point without a service fee. The café-restaurant Lumme is also located in the same building.

TE reform in the background

With the TE reform, all 13 municipalities in North Karelia will form a joint employment area. From 1 January 2025, the employment area of North Karelia will be responsible for the TE Services of the entire region. The municipality responsible for the employment area is the City of Joensuu.

In addition to the responsibility for organising the services, some 150 personnel from the TE Office, ELY Centre and KEHA Centre will be transferred to municipalities.    

The objective of the employment area is to promote the dynamism and employment of North Karelia, to reduce unemployment, especially among young people and the long-term unemployed, to improve the employment of immigrants and to improve the match between jobs and jobseekers.