Day care

Several day care options are available for early childhood education in Joensuu. There are municipal and private day care centers. If necessary, day care services are also available in the evenings, at nights and at weekends in some locations.

Applying to day care

You should apply for day care at least four months before you need a place for your child. A quicker process may be possible if necessary, e.g. if you get a job or a place to study.This requires that both parents (living in the same household) are working or studying.

We prefer online applications via (Instructions for using online services). Online bank user identifiers are needed to use the system. The main language of the system is Finnish, but you can change the language to English from the settings, see the instructions here.

English language application form is available here.

Early Childhood Education Application

However, if you apply for private day care center, you should contact directly to the particular day care center.

Day Care Service Center will contact you to compliment the application and to find out a suitable day care place. However, if you applied for a private day care center, the contact will come from there.


Day care fees

Day care fees cover approximately 10% of the total cost of the care. The rest is covered by tax money.

Monthly day care fees in Joensuu depend on the amount of day care needed (reserved hours) as well as on the income and size of the family. Normally the fee is charged for eleven months per annum. The calculation of the fee is based on the Finnish law and official municipal decisions. Basic fee is similar in public and private day care, but private service providers may have some extra supplements. You can contact for the fee details, only the main features of the calculation are described here.

Maximum fee and sibling discounts

The maximum full-day care fee for the youngest child of the family is 295 €/month and for the second youngest child 118 €/month. For further children of the family the rate is 20% of the fee of the youngest child 

Family size and income

Family size comprises married or common law couples living in the same household together with the minor children of both partners living in the same household. Monthly gross income of the family includes all taxable earned income, capital gains and tax-free income earned by a child and parent/couples living in the same household. The parents must make income declaration (not needed in case of maximum fee).


Family size

Gross income limit for minimum fee, €/month  Gross income limit for maximum fee, €/month
2 4066 6972
3 5245 8151
4 5956 8862
5 6667 9573
6 7376 10282


Day care fee is affected by the hours of the care needed. In Joensuu, following categories are in use:

Day care hours/month Fee, % of the full-day fee
0–88 60%
89–120 70%
121–140 80%
>140 100%

Day care centers

Joensuu has over 30 public and 20 private day care centers. The municipal day care centers are mostly open at 6:30–17/18. The opening times of the private centers may vary. The day care includes meals as follows:

  • Breakfast ca. at 8–8:30 hours
  • Lunch ca. at 10:45–12 hours depending on the age and activities of the group
  • Snack ca. at 14–14:30 hours

Early morning and late evening care is available as follows:

  • Pataluoto day care center: Mon–Fri 5:30–22
  • Metsätähti day care center (Eno): Mon-Sun 5:30–22

Niinivaara day care center is open 24/7 throughout the year and serves the families working in shifts.

Rules for late evening and night care

Lists of day care centers by region

Day care centers: City central area

Day care centers: City central area

Day care centers: Noljakka–Marjala

Day care centers: Noljakka–Marjala

Day care centers: Karsikko–Niinivaara–Penttilä–Karhunmäki

Day care centers: Karsikko–Niinivaara–Penttilä–Karhunmäki

Day care centers: Mutala–Rantakylä–Utra

Day care centers: Mutala–Rantakylä–Utra

Day care centers: Reijola–Niittylahti–Hammaslahti

Day care centers: Reijola–Niittylahti–Hammaslahti

Day care centers: Eno–Uimaharju–Heinävaara–Kiihtelysvaara–Tuupovaara

Day care centers: Eno–Uimaharju–Heinävaara–Kiihtelysvaara–Tuupovaara

Family day care, Playgroup activities

Family day care

In family day care a child is in a small group with maximum of four children and one caretaker. Typically, the care takes place in the home of the caretaker. However, we try to facilitate the care also in the home of a child or in homes of 2–3 families alternately. There are family day care places all over the town and also in the countryside. Altogether ca. 300 children attend family day care in Joensuu.

Family day care offers early education according to the same principles as e.g. day care centers. Emphasis is on safe care and playing.


Day Care Service Center assists in questions related to day care. The center can be reached by phone or email. You can leave a call-back request and also make an appointment for a personal visit.

Day Care Service Center


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