Joensuu – Karelian Business City

Joensuu was established as a trading place. Due to its location it also became a center of the wood processing industry, which in time developed through a unique combination of corporate activity, research and education into the Forest Capital of Europe. From its beginnings in sawmilling the city has progressed substantially as a result of the massive opportunities offered by the forest bio-economy.

In Joensuu culture is also business. Live music, film, handicrafts and design as well as the computer games field are all strong actors in the area. A significant future industry will be photonics and, specifically, applications of treatments of light. These expectations are based on the increasing importance of consumer electronics in everyday life, and the rise of robotics.

Connections to the world

Connections to the world

Joensuu provides versatile connections for people and goods. Helsinki is only a 55 minute flight away, and you can reach practically the whole world. The port of Joensuu provides access over the lake Saimaa to the southern Finland and there is a good railway connection to the capital Helsinki.


Why don't you move to Joensuu? Read more


Seppo Tossavainen
Head of Economic and International Affairs
+358 40 343 3377

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